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References and Bibliography
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Christchurch, Hampshire - the former laboratories of the Radar Experimental Establishment (REE) became the new location of SEE, at which point the organisation changed its name to SRDE.

Coles, RC Captain - served with the Royal Signals at SEE and SRDE as a development scientist of the WS10. His duties included the evaluation of the set for operational use. After D-Day, Coles saw operational duty in Northern Europe, and was responsible to the Chief Signals Officer (CSO) for 21 Army Group in the establishment of tactical WS10 sites.

Hertz, Heinrich J (1857-1894) - a supporter of James Clerk Maxwell's theory of Electromagnetism (1873) and a major researcher in the field of radio waves, detecting them for the first time in 1888. Until the work of Marconi, radio waves were widely known as Hertzian waves.

Ramm, T - civilian scientist involved in designing the WS10 during his first professional appointment as an engineer working at SEE.

Warnham Court - This was the initial location of SEE at the outbreak of war. By 1943, SEE had moved to the laboratories formerly occupied by the departments engaged in radar research at Christchurch, Hampshire. This sight had been vacated after concerns that the German army may make a reprisal raid on British coastal defence stations after the successful incursion of British Commandos into the Würtzberg radar installation on the German coast. SRDE later returned to this site to test the WS10 in a link established to SR9 at Berkeley Court on Baker Street, London. The final location of SRDE was Malvern.

Wireless World - this popular enthusiasts journal has been in print since 1911 (now published as Electronics World). It published much information on the equipment developed during the war. The articles used in the development of these pages are:

Anon., 1946. Multi-Channel Pulse Modulation: details of the Army Wireless Station No.10 Wireless World,June, 187-192.

Anon., 1946. Army Set No.10: some details of the U.H.F Equipment. Wireless World, Sept, 282-285.


Wright, F - worked at SEE and SRDE developing a training programme for the servicemen who would operate the WS10.


LATHAM, C & STOBBS, A., 1996. RADAR: A Wartime Miracle. Stroud: Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd.

BUNCH, B & HELLEMANS, A., (eds). 1994. The Timetables of Technology. London: Simon & Schuster