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Thames Valley to Silicon Valley and the M4 Corridor


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The Thames Valley extends from London to the outskirts of Newbury. For the past 30 years new industries have grown up around the areas of Wokingham and Bracknell. With the emergence of a new high-tech industrial economy and the location and investment of international companies, particularly from the USA, the industry has spread from Slough to Swindon along the M4 corridor.


Dr Ed Turner talking about the the growth of the Thames Valley

The M4 corridor stretches from London to Bristol and along to South Wales. New high-tech industries have developed along this main communication route, being described as 'footloose' industries they have grown up in the past 25 years in important growth areas and have brought prosperity to many regions.

Location high-tech industry is important to its success, access to raw materials is unimportant. Locating to an area, such as the M4, gives the company access to a motorway system and important communication infrastructure with London, Europe and the rest of the world. With a concentration of industry companies may share knowledge and information and have access to a skilled workforce.


'M4 Corridor' and 'Silicon Valley'

(Image courtesy of m4corridor.com)

Click on the Image to enlarge

Many of the reminiscences in this presentation are from employees of companies within the high-tech industry over the past decades.

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