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Food Preparation

Freda Hussey interviewed by Edna d'Lima

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Click here to listenHow about the actual oven that you cooked on, or do you remember your mother cooking on?

Gas Oven Gas Oven

Images courtesy of The Design Collection at The Arts Institute, Bournemouth

Well the oven, it was a gas oven and I have a gas oven now, but of course it is totally different in appearance to what they were then. Then they were like little boxes on legs really. They stood up off the floor so that you, most people generally kept a lot of their baking pans underneath. There may be a shelf or perhaps they just pushed them under there out of the way; and there would be two shelves in the oven and of course no nonstick liners to ovens such as again came out of the fifties after the war. And the hobs on top you know, more or less the same as they are now but they weren't so easy to clean as they are now; they didn't have the ceramic surfaces that they do now. But basically it was just the same.

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