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Food Preparation

Trixie Pachy interviewed by Edna d'Lima

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Click here to listenHow do you think they compare then when you look back on how you prepared your food?

Oh totally different in fact I think it would give me an incentive to make things nowadays. Even if you don't like cooking, of course, "Let's get this whisked up quick, pop it in this lovely oven." You haven't got to clean the brass knobs before you could bend into an oven. I think now it must be much of a pleasure, I should think, to do these fancy dishes, and to feel your eyes into things into things, that must be something totally different. And when you think everything screams at you now for cooking, you put the television on, it shows you this recipe and that recipe - what to buy to put in it.

Electric OvenGas OvenGas Oven

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