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Midland Woodworking Company


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When employees first started at Midwood, usually as an apprentice joiner, they would have to start building up their own tool bag. This could take many years, as the tools could be expensive, as Wally Bowes and Edward Gunby remember:

Wally remembers starting his toolbag when he was an apprentice

Edward lists and describes some of the tools in his toolbag

Below are drawings of a few of the tools a joiner would use everyday in his work.

Click on the image to listen to what the tools are, and how they were used.

Edwards talks about sharpening saws

Wally describes a Bradawl

Edward describes Whetstones

Wally talks about a Brace and Bit


Wally talks about Chisels




Wally talks about Saws

Wally talks about the different types of planes

Edwards desribes the process of sharpening a Tenon Saw

Wally describes a G-Clamp

Edward on Tool Brace's


Wally talks about the different Hammers

* All of the above tools were illustrated by Jonathan Milward

Sharpening Tools

Each of the tools the joiners used were important to their job. Every week each of the joiner's would spend time sharpening each of their tools using a sharpening or whetstone to make sure the tools they were using were not blunt.

Wally describes the sharpening stones they used

Wally remembers the employees set time aside to sharpen their tools