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Andre Vrona

Ketton Architectural Stone and Masonry

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The craft of the stone mason is one of the oldest, and has been subject to continuous development since man first dragged a few boulders together to form a shelter. It must have been quickly realised that by knocking off awkward angles, using another peice of stone as a hammer, boulders could be made to fit together better.

(Practical Stone Masonry by P.R. Hill and J.C.E. David)

Andre Vrona is the owner and manager of the Stamford based stone and masonry company; Ketton Architectural Stone and Masonry.

Andre Vrona started the company in 1987 and has seen many developments in the years since he started work in the construction industry at age 15 (in 1970).

Ketton Architectural Stone and Masonry uses Ketton and Clipsham stone. Ketton has been used for centuries as a building stone, favoured for its durability.

Ketton Architectural Stone and Masonry use traditional construction techniques on both new builds and restoration jobs.

Please click on the links below to see some of Andre Vrona's work and listen to his reminisances.

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