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Women in the War

Jean Charlesworth

Waaf Association
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Jean Charlesworth joined the WRNS on 22nd December 1944, aged 17. Jean's parents were reluctant for her to join up but she couldn't wait to be called up so volunteered as soon as she was old enough - as she remembers...

Joining up

The Navy appealed to Jean very much so and it was her firt choice - she felt lucky to be accepted, although she remembers that at the time, she would have joined any of the services.

Why the WRNS?

Jean was sent to Millhill in London for her training. They spent the first two weeks cleaning and being tested out for there willingness and enthisiasm and their response to discipline. Jean recalls that there were girls there from all classes of society - some had never seen a scrubbing brush before.

Uniform and Training

Uniform and Training cont..

After one months training in London, the girls were given their first posting. As Jean had secretarial experience they offered her a course as a writer but she wanted to do something more exciting so another cours in supply branch came up that she went on.

Supply Branch

Jean was then sent to a Methodist Preacher's Training College (there were no Methodist Preacher's there!) on a 6 week course to learn about supplies and stores. Jean passed out at the end of the course and did well enough to eventually become a leading Wren. She was then drafted to Liverpool to serve in different locations in the city.

Training in Leeds

Training in Leeds cont..

During her different postings Jean explains where she was sent and remembers where she was on VE Day when she celebrated by dancing on the bar!

Dancing on the Bar

When Jean was at one of the stations they were very isolated but she enjoyed her work in the stores and was very happy. One day she saw a sign asking for people who could sing/dance so she auditioned and got a part in one of the chorus' in the station's variety show.

Stores and Supply

The Captain was so impressed with the show that he sent the cast on tour around the north of England with their band and all the technicians!

Variety Show

Jean's last posting was in Cornwall, where she stayed for 12 months. Life there was enjoyable, as Jean remembers they all used to have bikes and went swimming off one of the local beaches.



As part of her daily duties Jean would be put in the stores issuing out all sorts of equipment and supplies. She was also in charge of the books and recalls it was just like a 9-5 office job.

Daily Duties

Jean remembers that girls joined up from all different classes of society and they all got on together. She recalls that her time in the Wrens taught you about different people and how to get on with everyone, as well as discipline and how to fight back.


With so many people on one station they all had to share living space in a Nissen Hut. Jean remembers sharing with up to 20 people. It was a 'different' experience as she explains. Jean goes on to recount that just before she was demobbed she was sent on an EVT course - Education and Vocational Training - to get her used to civilian life again and train her in more secretarial skills.

Nissen Huts


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